Tag Archives: Personal Finance

Mutual-funds and its types

If you want to invest in a U.S stock mutual fund, you will find three different types such as aggressive growth, long term growth, and growth and income. This information may help you to decide which is best for you. Equity or stock funds: Aggressive Growth funds: These funds invest in stocks of fast growing… Read More »

All You Need to Know About Fixed Deposit

Fixed deposit is a deposit, where money may be kept in the bank, building society, merchant bank and credit union for a fixed period of time and fixed rate of interest. If depositors break the deposit then they have to accept an interest penalty. Advantages: a. Fixed deposits are very safe investments which are from… Read More »

Know About Basics Of Personal Finance

Personal finance is the implementation of the principles of finance to fiscal decisions of a family unit or an individual. Personal finance shows the path to individuals or family, which involves different financial risks and future life events like budget, saving and spending monetary resources over time. Consumer loans, credit cards, retirement plans, investment in… Read More »

Advantages and Disadvantages of personal loans

The personal loans for general purposes like buying consumer durables. When you need money, some times you fail to consider risks like high interest rates and shorter payment period. When you have clear idea about advantages and disadvantages of particular loan, it will be easier for you to select the right product. The advantages and… Read More »

Advantages of Mutual Funds

I have read these advantages over investing in mutual funds. I would like to share them. Advantages: Professional Management – The primary advantage of funds is the professional management of your money. Investors purchase funds because they do not have the time or the expertise to manage their own portfolios. A mutual fund is a… Read More »