Tag Archives: Recruiting

Importance of HR Policies and Procedures

What are HR policies? Every organization makes its inception with a vision and mission in mind. Certain values and principles are decided and adopted for fruitful accomplishment of the objectives. For this, various policies and procedures have to be designed and put into force so that necessary system, framework, communication channels, employee satisfaction and work… Read More »

How to Build a Strong Recruiting Team

A strong recruiting team is essential for every company in order to source right people for the organization. It is the responsibility of the company to hire professionals who can build a strong recruiting team. Thereafter an expert recruiting manager will build his own team by hiring managers who are suitable for choosing the right… Read More »

What is Disability Discrimination at Workplace?

Disability discrimination includes the process of making decisions regarding the hiring, promotion, job training, compensation, and termination of employees based on their disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability discrimination at workplaces. The Act protects employees who are mentally or physically impaired limiting a major life activity. The Act ensures that an employer… Read More »

Types of Drug Testing Conducted by Employers at Workplace

Conducting employee drug testing in the workplace is important to ensure drug free work environment and reduce drug abuse incidents among employees and improve their productivity. There are many positive things like professionalism, integrity, discipline, employee productivity, work culture etc which are promoted by a drug free environment. A company can also reduce addiction related… Read More »