Tag Archives: Cloud Computing

Benefits of SaaS for Retail Industry

For any retailing business to be successful it needs sufficient information tools and techniques. Small businesses cannot afford to buy these high cost tools. Therefore, for such businesses SaaS applications are the best solutions to solve IT problems. Software as a service can also be called as software on demand, in which the software can… Read More »

Relation Between SaaS and Telecom Sector

Generally software is delivered under an unlimited right to use license that allows the licensee to install the software on a particular computer and to use the software package. On the other hand software as a service or software on demand, in which the software can be accessed by the company through the internet and… Read More »

Best Practices For Implementation of SaaS

Software as a service is a process in which the software can be accessed by the company through the internet and the payment can be made as per the use. In this process Software as a Service vendors maintain enterprise software on servers within their own company data center and the customers can access the… Read More »

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing means accessing the hosted services over the Internet. That means, we can access our documents or interact with our application or develop applications that are stored at the service provider from any place. Cloud Computing Provides Various Services SaaS: Software-as-a-service products provide complete hardware infrastructure and software applications. User has to interact with… Read More »