Which Vitamin Deficiencies Causes Bleeding Of Gums?

By | January 23, 2010

Actually bleeding of gums are due to inadequate plaque removal from the teeth at the gum line. This will lead to a condition called gingivitis, or inflamed gums. Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on the teeth and gums. If this is not removed through regular brushing it will harden into what is known as tartar. At last this will lead to increased bleeding and a more advanced form of gum and jawbone disease known as periodontists.

If continual gum bleeding is there, it may be because of serious medical conditions such as leukemia and bleeding and platelet disorders. In this case you must and should follow the instructions from your dentist to get rid of this problem as well for maintaining healthy gums. If left untreated, bacteria can flourish and cause loss of teeth which is termed as a tooth decay.

However there are number of reasons for bleeding of gums such as poor oral hygiene, using highly acid based products for teeth brushing, improper brushing and flossing, inadequate rubbing of brush on gums, health conditions, improper diet or certain vitamin deficiencies.

Certain vitamin deficiencies also causes bleeding of gums. However, Vitamins and minerals make people’s bodies work properly. It boosts the immune system, supports normal growth and development, and helps cells and organs do their jobs. You get vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat every day, some foods have more vitamins and minerals than others. Insufficient amount of vitamins or deficiency of any vitamins can change the normal functioning of different organs of the body. Gums is an organ which needs some vitamins for maintaining healthy otherwise gums may swell, and bleed.

Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, And Niacin are some of the vitamins needed for healthier gums otherwise these deficiencies can lead to bleeding of gums.

Vitamin C deficiency called scurvy will lead to gum changes and also causes problems with the blood vessels, hence causing bleeding in the gums. Daily intakes of vitamin C is 90 mg for males and 75 mg for females. Breastfeeding and pregnancy states require more vitamin C with ranges between 85 to 120 mg per day to avoid this deficiency.

Niacin or B-3 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps your body convert food into energy used by your cells and DNA repair. This deficiency is rare, but when it occurs, a sore mouth with bleeding gums can results. Males and females need 16 and 14 mg per day. Pregnancy and breastfeeding requires 18 and 17 mg per day, respectively.

Vitamin A is fat-soluble vitamin which is stored for longer periods in terms of fat and is involved in the formation of bone and teeth, maintaining healthy skin and mucus membranes of the mouth and lungs. Deficiency of this Vitamin A can lead to bleed gums, in addition to dry, rough skin and infections of the lungs and bladder. Daily intake of vitamin A is 700 and 900 micro grams per day for females and males, respectively.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin involved in proper blood clotting. Deficiency in Vitamin K may also cause bleeding gums due to the lack of clotting factors which will lead to unusual or excessive bleeding. Daily intakes for vitamin K are 120 micro grams for males and 90 micro grams for females.