What Makes a Website Good?

By | January 21, 2010

A good website always meets the goals it is expected to reach. Thus, it provides visitors the relevant business information. By this, it will get the attention of visitors and converts visitors into potential customers in the future. Another feature of a good website is its optimal design. Features of each website differ from other websites because each business differs from others. The only thing we have to consider is their quality of expressing information in their sites.

Here are some things that represent a good web portal:

Valuable Information: A website is aimed to fulfill certain objective of its owner. Based on that objective, information is presented in the site but that information should be valuable to visitors/users. If the information is outdated, visitors don’t show interest and leave your website.

Ease of usability and accessibility: You need to structure the information in the webpage in an orderly manner, which leads to good user experience.

Simple design: Get the website with a simple design to get visitors’ attention.

Smaller images: All images in the website should be of unique size.

Simpler domain name: Choose a domain name that is simple so that it can be easily remembered.

Loads faster: A significant aspect of a good website is that it loads fast.

Clear purpose should be specified: When visitors look at the website, they should immediately get a glance on the purpose of creating the website.

The above properties will definitely will have in a good website or a web portal.