All You Need to Know About Asset Investigation

By | December 31, 2010

Private investigation includes many types of investigation among which one is asset investigation. An asset investigation is considered as a specific type of background check. It is done to find the financial profiles of companies or individuals. A variety of possible reasons might be there to perform asset checks.

Some assets may be hidden under some other person’s name. This means that the asset property can be registered under the name of a spouse, children or other relatives for financial security. Some people use the real estate trusts to hide real estate as means of concealment. Many such assets can come into light by asset investigation.

In order to determine how many liquid, inventory, property, equipment and investment assets, that are owned by a person or an organization, asset searches have to be performed. Wealth or net worth is the term that is used to describe the assets. When asset searches are performed, an investigator finds the most constructively hidden assets, foreign assets and domestic assets. There may be many reasons to conduct asset searches. Most of the commonly found examples are listed here.

Judgment recovery applications: For paying a court ordered judgment, an asset search can be conducted. The niche specialty of investigation professionals is the judgment collection.

Business investigations have to be done for checking the assets of partners in the business. A complete asset investigation is to be done.

Credit report searches are done for helping financially, a person or an entity.

Divorce investigations may also include asset searches. Finding the hidden wealth from one or both the parties is its main aim. Similarly, premarital investigations also include asset searches.

It is known that some private investigators may be involved in asset searches. Only the best specialists are able to perform detailed functions such as locating hidden and offshore assets.