Important Features of Pet Odor Air Purifiers

By | December 25, 2011

People living with pets face threats from pets odors which are harmful to respiratory systems of humans. They require installation of air purifiers for reducing the harmful odors from indoor air. There are some specific air purifiers which are almost similar to the general air purifiers, but are enabled with few extra features so as to eliminate pet odors. These are called pet odor purifiers.

Given below are few important features of pet odor air purifiers:

Split capacitor motor: People facing challenges with pet odors require odor controllers. They also require odor destroyers if the odors persist for longer times. Air purifiers come with high capacity motors which provide high revolutions per minute (RPM) capacities. These motors work continuously through out the day by preventing odors in the surfaces.

360 degree intake: This feature is more important, as the main function of this feature is to pull the air from all sides to improve the air quality of the entire room in quicker time so as to prevent the pollutants from all sides.

Carbon filters: The systems which have carbon filters provide more preventing capacities of odors in the surfaces. Carbon filters are mechanically high graded at preventing the smell.

Variable speed: Odors join the air very quickly. So filters require more variable speed at preventing odors in the surfaces. Variable speed is also important feature while using air purifiers.

While purchasing the pet odor air purifiers you need to check for these important features first. Also consider the cost and buy a suitable pet odor air purifier.