What is the Need of Website Monitoring

By | March 15, 2012

The servers must be fully operational in order to ensure that the website functions in an efficient manner. It records the performance of the specific website. To ensure that a website works successfully online, website monitoring should focus on certain defects.

There are certain terms and defects like software lockups, hardware failures, databases, hackers, viruses, worms, service patches, and Internet connectivity that are very crucial when a process is online. Website monitoring services sends weekly performance reports to alert the performance of the website.

To provide satisfaction of the visitors:

  • The website must be live 24/7.
  • Check load conditions of the website regularly to improve the performance of the website.
  • Check the functionality of the website by traversing with a click to each path for every single step using scripts.

Alerts must be received from the initial problem itself that is seen in a website, via alerting network. The status transparency and website functioning must be monitored using different website monitoring services that yields good results.