Know About Advantages of SaaS

By | April 10, 2011

Software as a service (SaaS), can also be referred as Software on demand and it is deployed over the internet. It is also deployed to run behind a firewall on a local area network or personal computer. SaaS is used commonly in many business applications like accounting, human resource management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and service desk management.

Advantages of SaaS:

  • Main advantage of SaaS is that it do not require any installation process, it can be run through browser window and it can be implemented quickly. Majority of SaaS is not specific to only one browser and all can work fully with the three major browsers, that is internet explorer, Firefox, Safari.
  • As long as users are able to use a browser and access the internet they can use the software and it is not based on the operating system the users are using.
  • Users have latest version of SaaS whenever they log in to SaaS account, because there is only one version available. SaaS provider can quickly make changes within a matter of hours if an error is found in the software so that this software will not become obsolete and unsupported.
  • Various servers of SaaS providers store data within the software, so that the users can access the data wherever and whenever they choose to work. It also ensures that the data is safer than it would be, if it was only stored on the home computer.
  • SaaS also provides the advantage of Pay per use or subscription based payment methods.
  • It is reliable and it takes reduced time to market.
  • Depending on the user it can eliminate a non core activity and helps user to focus on the core activities of the business.