Tips To Identify Candidate Behavior In The Recruitment Process

By | January 20, 2010

For hiring the right candidate, the recruiter should check candidate’s skills and abilities. However, identifying behaviors is also important in hiring a candidate. There are many parameters to consider in identifying the candidate’s behaviors. One of the parameter is behavioral interviewing technique.

In this type of interview, the recruiter identifies the candidate past behaviors in different situations. Identifying appropriate behaviors are important in the recruitment process.

Appropriate behaviors:

  • Punctuality.
  • Behavior with the receptionist.
  • Formal dressing.
  • Neat hair cut
  • Maintaining eye contact.
  • Good postures.
  • Giving proper response.
  • Understanding the interviewer questions.
  • Speaking clearly.
  • Giving honest examples.

Negative behaviors:

  • Not maintaining cell phone etiquettes.
  • Eating chewing gums.
  • Rude behavior with receptionist.
  • Bad mouthing about previous job and boss.

In the recruitment process interviewer need to identify these behaviors in the candidate. If the recruiters identify these behaviors in the candidate, he or she can make right judgment.