Benefits Of Organic Garden Fertilizers

By | April 30, 2010

Organic fertilizers have many benefits compared to chemical fertilizers. The top five benefits of organic fertilizers are:

  • miniature treesSlow Release of Nutrients: Organic fertilizers will not have nutrients in readily usable form. When they are incorporated into the soil, the microorganisms such as bacteria which are present in the soil, have to operate on the fertilizer, break it up and then discharge the nutrients. This will be a slow process, so there will be no danger that so many nutrients are absorbed by the plant. There will be no chance for a ‘plant burn’ when organic fertilizers are utilized.
  • Long-term Benefits to the Soil: Organic fertilizers require microbes to work on them in order to release the nutrients. This helps in promoting the growth of microorganisms, guaranteeing long-term fertility of the soil.
  •  Long-term Benefits to the Environment: Chemical fertilizers generally releases several chemicals into the soil which contain nutrients beneficial to soil but may also include elements miniature treeswhich are not quickly biodegradable. These may also pollute lands and water. Whereas organic fertilizers always consist of only biodegradable contents.
  • Cheap and Cost-Effective: Organic Fertilizers can be created at home or on farms by making use of a mix of cow, sheep and horse manure and also wastes such as leaves and dead plants. This is a best method to get rid of waste from garden or farm and moreover a cheaper substitute to purchasing chemical fertilizers.
  • Safety: When chemical fertilizers are sprayed in gardens, care must be taken that the family members, particularly kids and pets who generally play on lawns, do not inhale or swallow the harmful chemicals. Organic fertilizers will not have any such concerns and can be utilized safely.Miniature plants