Know About Online Shopping Vs Traditional Shopping

By | March 24, 2011

Online shopping and the traditional shopping both have some advantages and disadvantages. The shopping habits of the people depend on the convenience and the circumstances in which they are shopping.

Traditional shopping:
In traditional shopping, the customer has to go to the shopping mall and he needs to purchase the products he likes. In traditional shopping the customer can see the product before purchasing with his naked eye and payment can be done through cash or cheque or using credit cards. The disadvantages of traditional shopping are that the store keepers may not accept payment if the item they have is more expensive than what the customer want to pay. There are some instances where traditional shopping is required, like in the case of need to purchase grocery items, where the customer can go to the store and get them immediately.

Online Shopping:
In online shopping the customer can make the purchases through browsing internet by sitting at home. The online shopping provides many benefits like it saves time and money, it is more convenient, it provides a wide range of items, etc., Mode of payment is only through the credit cards, but it takes some time to get the products as the stores deliver the products after receiving the cheque. The major disadvantage of the internet shopping is safety and security of the personal information and this can be avoided by following some security steps.

Though each style of shopping has its own pros and cons, it is the online shopping which is great hit in terms of convenience provided to the customer.

One thought on “Know About Online Shopping Vs Traditional Shopping

  1. Reena

    This article is very interesting. Thanks for this valuable post.

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