Different Categories of Cloud Computing

By | August 21, 2013

Cloud computing, a new computing technology, is very popular these days. Cloud computing is available to users in different categories. There are three important categories of cloud computing. They are:

Public cloud
Public cloud is a kind of cloud computing where the resources, applications and the storage spaces are readily available for all the users at no cost. There are also some public clouds which are offered services based on pay-per-use model.

It is the better choice to go for public cloud computing when two companies from different geographical locations collaborate for one project. It will be easy for the two parties to access the information and sharing the resources.

Advantages of using public cloud are it inexpensive and easy as it is available for free. Also, there are not much wasted resources as you pay for the required and limited services in pay-per-use model.

The biggest disadvantage of this category of cloud is that, there are chances of customer utilizing huge quantity of data storage unnecessarily. Public clouds are more vulnerable when compared to private and hybrid clouds.

Private cloud
Private cloud is the cloud which is owned by the organization and acquires the storing, maintenance and controlling rights over that cloud. It can be monitored by the user or by the service provider. This is chosen by the owner of the cloud.

It is always recommendable to use private clouds when the information is the key criteria for the business. Because the security is very high and it is not accessible to others.

Advantage of using the private cloud is that it gives the user the control over the particular infrastructure to which he paid. It is more secured when compared to public and hybrid clouds.

Drawback of private cloud is that it might be more expensive for the small firms/individual to own and utilize the services.

Hybrid cloud
Hybrid cloud is the compromise between the public and private clouds or we can say it is the mixture of public and private clouds. It makes use of the free services available on the public cloud along with the paid services of the private cloud for better performance and efficient service.

It is the best way of computing when the business has large number of clients. Because it is easy to communicate with them through public clouds while you save all the confidential information safely in private cloud.

Efficiency is more in hybrid cloud when compared to that of public and private clouds.

The disadvantage of using the hybrid cloud is it becomes complex when tried to differentiate between the private and public cloud services.

Understanding different categories of cloud computing, advantages and disadvantages of them, organizations should adopt the best suitable cloud for their businesses.