Myths About Car Engine Oil

By | October 31, 2013

Car engines need engine oil in order to operate the car smoothly. The main role of the engine oil is lubricate the engine parts to keep on move. It will keep them free of general engine gunk and sludge of modern detergent additives, and to protect against rust corrosion. Most things that we know about the engine oil are true. But there are some myths also. Having little knowledge on those things is fine, but if it is improper, it will cause for much and unnecessary expense.

  • Fuel pump problems Synthetic engine oils really cause oil leaks: Before 1970s the synthetic engine oils are first become popular. These are on chemical base stocks (those are polyalphaolefins) but not on petroleum based. They do not play well with the gaskets and seals in the car’s engine. The seals can shrink by such oils reaction and the petroleum based oils do not, resulting of those untidy or dirty oil leaks mysteriously appears in the car parking space. Some people still perceive that the synthetic oils causes leaks, and they continue to use petroleum based products instead of synthetic ones. Now the seal shrinkage does not occurred, because long ago oil manufacturers reformulated synthetic oil. But there is a possibility to leak the engine oil with synthetic oil, when you are using a car from years back with petroleum based oils. However, those are the models of about fifteen years old. Today’s cars do not have such problems.
  • Engine performance also depends on engine oil additives: The additives also helps improve the engine performance. But those are added by the oil companies before you buy the oil. Each reputable motor oil brand comes with additives, which can improves its viscosity index, and it will keep your engine free from sludge. Most companies will also include chemicals to protect metallic surfaces and rust retardants to prevent corrosion. Because of all these additives already in the oil, putting more other things may impact negatively or lower the oil effectiveness. For a few exotic high performance engines, manufacturers recommend some special additives, check for the manual for those engines. For others, it is not required.
  • Oil must be changed for three thousand miles regardless of car manual instructions: A few years back almost every auto manufacturer recommended change of engine oil for every 3000 miles or 4800 kilometers. If still not changed the engine begin to fill with sludge. It affects on moving parts for risk or damage, and degrades the performance. But modern engine oils improved the viscosity. These are reliable for more than 7500 miles or 12,000 kilometers. In the stop and go traffic conditions, the engine oil can work for 7500 miles without any negative effect on the engine. So there is no need to change the engine oil for every 3000 miles. Some people may say that it is must to sell the product. In fact, there is no need to change with such interval, if you changed it is extra maintenance expense for your budget.

Do not mix oils from two brands. This is because the additives and the chemicals used in them might be different and might reduce the oil performance.