Features That a Database Server Must Contain

By | April 9, 2011

Database is used by the companies to organize, store, and retrieve large amounts of data easily. Database can be classified in to many types based on different criteria. While choosing a database server it is important to consider whether the database server is capable of delivering the specific applications functions required by the user.

It should improve the staff productivity and should have the ability to accurately analyze the business. The following are the important considerations to be taken by the business while selecting a database server:

Standard Compliance:
SQL compliance is very important in the environments running more than one operating system because SQL support varies widely between database server suppliers. Databases which have compliance with SQL should allow relatively straightforward data exchange.

Security Systems:
Databases store large amount of the useful and important commercial data of the businesses. A security system is needed by every organization to protect this data. Most database servers will provide audit trails, allowing the business to see who has entered, accessed or modified information. Organization whose information is to be shared on the internet, their database systems need to be more careful.

Business need to look for a database that allows extraction of data as XML. This may make using of XML as a data interchange format simpler.

Performance Features:
Databases are generally critical applications, and even a small mistake can be harmful to the business. If the business uses its database server for e commerce, it must contain features like fault tolerance and load balancing. If the database server is single there is no need of these features. Retrofitting these features to the system is likely to be more difficult than installing a database server that supports them from the beginning.