Characteristics of a Good Leader

By | February 29, 2012

Recruitment of an eligible candidate is not easy, now a days finding the qualified candidate is easy but hiring the right candidate for organization is not easy. Advanced technological developments and strategies are not useful when you are not hiring the right candidate. Hiring a good leader is more tough because leader should be able to lead the entire team, so organization needs to hire a highly capable person for leading their organization.

Important characteristics of a good leader:

Leader should be genuine: when the leader is genuine then they are able to take the decisions, able to finish the work systematically and they stand on what they believe. Leader should be clear on what they are doing and their responsibilities. Good leader takes wise decisions at critical situations, they are good communicators and they maintain good body language.

Anticipate the Market Changes: Leaders should have proper experience in estimating the market changes. Good team leader anticipates the market conditions and they take right decisions to compete with the market.

Always Boosting their Team: A good leader takes ideas and opinions from the team members. Team leader discusses about problems with their teammates and respects members solutions and ideas. Team leader respects their team members and encourages them for extracting good performance from them.

Ability to Learn Things from the Failures and Move with More

Confidence: Every one does mistakes but only a good leader can learn many things from the mistakes. They march forward with confidence, they are never afraid to see failure.

These characteristics are very essential for a good leader for leading the team.

One thought on “Characteristics of a Good Leader

  1. Diana

    Yes, I agree with these four qualities. But also, communication and listening are important… we can’t lead properly without them.

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