Precautions to be Taken During Teeth Whitening Process

By | February 24, 2012

Teeth whitening is the process of making stained and discolored teeth white. By using various teeth whitening products and teeth whitening methods people can make their teeth whiter. But, this process has its own set of disadvantages. People who have gone for tooth whitening have experienced different problems that range from mild irritations to severe pain.

Teeth whitening products are available at the medical counters as well as the dentists. But, the dental whitening products purchased at the medical counters can lead to severe irritation in the teeth and gums due to prolonged bleaching. Whereas, the products given by the dentist come along with the directions of usage, the quantity of usage, so on, hence they are more safe to use and probably will not have any side effects.

People who use tooth whitening products based on their own, do not take proper care about the right usage of these products. Since teeth whitening products make use of chemicals like hydrogen peroxide that need to be used in the right concentration and right quantities to have the desired effects, they can cause unrepairable damage if not properly used.

Teeth whitening is harmless until it is properly done by the dental expert. It is similar to a treatment or surgery which needs to be done by the dental specialist. It is only when people buy teeth whitening products over the counter and use them without following the proper directions it is dangerous.

Tooth enamel and gums are effected by the improper usage of teeth whitening products. Mainly people think that the products containing acidic properties of fruit will help in making the teeth white, but it deteriorates the enamel of the teeth and makes a person’s smile even worse than before.

So, undergo a teeth whitening treatment only under the supervision of an expert in dentistry.