Know the Structure of an Effective Website

By | November 20, 2012

As a business owner, website is important for your business for presenting or doing business online. It is a primary tool for growing your business. In order to catch attention of your visitors, you need to create an appealing website. Once your visitors start liking your website, you can easily promote products through it.

Whenever you create a website, it should be according to the market you are targeting. You need to make sure that you know who you are trying to get interested in your site. You need to design a website in such a way that on a single click you need to get any information from anywhere at any time by accessing with a variety of devices like computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Structure of an effective website: It contains the following things.

  • Website designing and development: Website designing is the designing part of your website. It is the process of creating and planning a website. It includes web pages, content, images, links, audio and videos. A web designer designs a website using graphic programs like photo shop and flash for look and feel of a website. Perfectly designed website attracts more visitors. Website development is all about proper functioning of your site. The web developer is responsible for coding part of the website. They work on different coding languages like PHP, JavaScript, HTML CSS scripts.
  • Accessibility and usability: A good website is one, that provides easy accessibility and usability to visitors. Make sure your website is user friendly and loads within a short time span.
  • Navigation Links: Navigation facilitates moving from one page to another. A well designed and clear navigation provides road map to visitors and help them to find the relevant information that they are looking for.
  • Content: Content is the heart of your website. Your business depends on the type of the content you provided in your site. The content you provided should be related to your business. You should always put updated content in your site to bring more traffic as well as to get attention of your visitors.
  • Footer: It provides the key information of your website like About us, Contact Us, Terms and Services, Privacy policy, Site Map, and Phone Numbers. So footer should be concise, clear and readable.

Therefore, make sure that you design a well-furnished website to increase your business.