Checklist for Regular Website Maintenance

By | September 25, 2013

The Website plays a critical role in your business’s success. Irrespective of size or type of business, every company need to maintain their website regularly at-least once in a month. This helps you, to update new information about your products or services, to attract and retain the visitors, to maintain search engine ranking and also to protect the site from cyber attacks. Here you will see the checklist of maintaining your website: 

Updating Website: You need to update your website regularly in-order to gain new customers, to increase the sales and to create a web traffic to your site.

    • Updating Content: Content plays a crucial role for the organization success. Because fresh and high quality content helps in attracting search engines and the visitors to your website. Content may includes text, pictures, webinars, etc.
      • Product Content: If you add a new product or service to your product line, then make sure to update the information about your new product in your site map. This helps the customers to navigate easily to the new product.
      • If you have a discontinued a product, make sure to announce about this information in navigation. This helps the customer to know this information and the other updates of your new products or services.
      • Others: Make sure to check the page’s title and content is matching with the keywords.
    • Company Press or news Releases: Check the news releases in your website, to know whether any information is needed to be added like new product, recent achievements or awards, or new offers on your products and services etc.


Check the Website Speed: You need to check the downloading speed of your website, especially when you have added the new features like new product information. Because if the web pages loading speed is low, it eats the visitors time and ultimately they get frustrated and jumps to the other site. Therefore, you need to look at all the means to improve your website speed.

Backing up website: At-least once in month, back up your website content. Because if technology fails, you may lose valuable information or content and other formatting of the websites like designs. In that situation, back up data helps you to access.

Check the Links: See all the links are working in good condition. There are chances of losing customers, when they see errors in pages or broken links in the site. So, regularly check out the links status. Use tools like Google Webmaster tool which identifies and correct the problems related to links.

Check the Duplicate content, Alignments, Spelling mistakes: Your website will be professional, only when it is good in all aspects. Because this gives a strong credibility about your business to the visitors. So, use the tools that check the duplicate content such as titles, meta descriptions and content of the page. And also you the tools to see the spelling mistakes in your web-pages.

Check the Server: Server is the backbone of your website where your content is managed and reports to generate. So, the check the server’s hard drive space to keep the website to run smoothly. And also try to use the updated version soft-wares to monitor your server. This is because outdated version no longer support your server.

The check list helps you in the maintenance of your business website. Taking care along these lines will ensure optimal functionality of the website.