Know More about Web Hosting

By | October 20, 2014

If you are panning to go for a web hosting service for your website, you need to considerations. It depends your whether your business is a startup, or a well established small/medium business. In each, you need web hosting. However, what kind of hosting you should choose depends on your technical competency, the type of business, the type of the website and affordability of the hosting service. This article discusses certain things that you should consider while hiring a web hosting service.

Identify your requirements
First, we need to know our requirements for the website – whether your site is an HTML/CMM site, the number of visitors per month, size of the website (number of pages it has), etc. Thus, if yours is an e-commerce website you should go for dedicated web hosting, and if yours is a startup, you can go for shared web hosing.

Site builder option
Site builder option offered by the web host enables you create websites even if you do not have technical knowledge (coding). It also will lead to substantially reduce the cost of hosting. Thus, site builder tools will simplify the process of creating a website and will help you in hosting the site by just following a few simple steps.

Control panel
Check if the web host offers the feature control panel. This option helps you by facilitating to create blogs and to check and make changes in the settings adding/removing applications, managing accessibility features and managing user accounts.

Security features
Check for security features. This includes checking track record of the web host service. By this, you can know if the web host’s clients were involved in spammy activities. Some web hosts have penal provision in their terms and conditions.

Customer service
Customer support is also important. Make sure to check their customer testimonials. Word of mouth could also be helpful. Make sure to check whether they offer customer service on telephonic service, tech support or and online chatting with the web host. Check if they offer the service around the clock all days of the week.

Windows or Linux server
Despite both versions are useful, you need to choose one according to OS you use. If your site involves PHP, Perl or MySQL, you should go for Linux. on the other hand, if it’s related to Windows, Windows is the choice you need to make.

Uptime is an important consideration while choosing a web hosting service. Many web hosts claim to provide 100% uptime, which might be 99% in reality.
Make sure to check the track record of the web host using server monitor tools available free online.

Price of the service depends on the type of hosting you are planning to purchase, and varies across hosts. Premium web host services are price high. While opting for such service you need to check the worth of it – whether it’s sensible to purchase the service at a high price, when the actual service offered is below the worth. Ensure you do not over pay for the service.