Drug testing at schools

By | May 29, 2009

Recently research was conducted on school students to know, how many students are addicted to drugs. School students are more addictive to drug use with 75% of total drug abusers are school students. After this research parents are forced to perform drug test on their kids to know the drug abuse.

In June 2002 Federal Court has extended authority to schools for testing drugs. Decision of drug testing in schools depends on the management. If management wants to go for any drug tests can go for drug testing in schools with permission of parents. This test is not done to identify the students and naming them as bad but the main intention of drug testing in schools is to identify the drug abuse and try to help them in overcoming the drug abuse or stop using any drugs in future.

Parents can also test their kids at home and can know the drug levels in their body, in finding any drug abuse in children. The results of drug tests help parents in talking about the drug effects or how it spoils the life of their children. My uncle has two daughters, after reading the research paper he was forced to test the drug levels of his daughters using the drug testing kits. Though they don’t use any drugs but he doesn’t want to take risk with their lives.

Suggested Reading:
12 Step Programs For Drug Addiction
Principles of Effective Drug Addiction Treatment
Prevention Techniques For Drug Abuse At Work Place
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