How to lose weight after giving birth

By | June 14, 2009

After giving birth of baby, mother starts the planning for reducing their weight. Both diet and exercise should be given equal importance while planning for weight reduction. Don’t try to lose weight fast; it takes little time for losing some extra pounds, be patient. It is not less than any challenge for the mom.

Cardio helps in strengthening the muscles, it is better to go for cardio intervals by varying the intensities for short period of tome along with increase in heart beat and metabolism. Just run for 30 minutes on the pace. You can rebuild the unused mass for getting toned and lean muscles. For strengthening muscles got for resistance training and you should have eat more than 5,000 calories per day. Both cardio and weight training should be balanced properly.

No gym is required for reducing the weight and you can go for resistance training. Just spend 20-30 minutes for reducing the weight and with inexpensive equipment. Motivation and discipline is required for loosing the weight consistently.

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