All about Plastic Surgery

By | September 8, 2009

Plastic surgery is a type of procedure that is used to improve the appearance and function of patients’ bodies. Some plastic surgery procedures are called “cosmetic” and others are called “reconstructive.” Plastic surgery, whether it is cosmetic or reconstructive, promotes a strong, A facelift designed to provide a more youthful appearance for a sixty-year-old woman is different from a facelift that is performed to reconstruct the face of an accident victim or a cancer patient.

The psychological effects of Plastic Surgery can vastly improve the quality of life for people who are unhappy with the way they look. Each of us has a “self image,” a perception of how we believe we look to others. People who are happy with their self-image are more likely to be self confident, effective in work and social situations and comfortable in their relationships. Those who are dissatisfied tend to be self conscious, inhibited and less inclined to accept assignments or jobs that would put them in the spotlight in any way. This is particularly true for accident victims who become suddenly disfigured and are forced to deal with a vastly altered physical appearance.

Because the changes resulting from plastic surgery are often dramatic and permanent, it is important that you have a clear understanding of how surgery might make you feel long before a procedure is scheduled. Some people undergo psychological counseling prior to plastic surgery so they will be emotionally prepared to accept their new image.

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