International Classification of Primary Care

By | September 10, 2009

ICPC-2 PLUS is an extended terminology classified to ICPC-2 International Classification of Primary Care, which aids data entry, retrieval and analysis. ICPC-2 PLUS takes into account the frequency distribution of problems seen in primary care. It allows for the classification of the patient’s reason for encounter (RFE), the problems/diagnosis managed, primary care interventions, and the ordering of the data of the primary care session in an episode of care structure.

ICPC-2 PLUS provides a list of possible terms matching a keyword (or start of a keyword) entered by the user. The user then selects the most appropriate term. Each term is already classified to ICPC-2 rubrics and a system of additional groupers that may include terms from multiple ICPC-2 rubrics.

Each term has one or more keywords linked to it, which may include abbreviations, synonyms, generics or specifics. The keyword searching is thus much broader, faster and better controlled than text mining of free text and labels. Instead of guessing what the doctor meant by a term (in free text) prior to classification, the doctor is actually prompted with a small list of terms to select from which are already classified.

The product also includes a ‘natural language’ label for each term, which can be used for reports and letters. Note: The PLUS extension mentioned here is not part of the ICPC-2 standard. WONCA and WICC have no control over it although they do have control over the ICPC classification which the PLUS extension makes use of. It’s similar to the difference between a car and fuel.

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