Best Test Automation Methods or Practices

By | June 14, 2010

Test automation is the use of software automation to control the execution tests, comparing the actual outcomes with the predicted outcomes, the setting up of conditions prior test, and the other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation means automating a manual process in place that uses a formalized testing process. The top five pit falls encountered by mangers employing software test automation are:

  • Uncertainty about the test and lack of control for test
  • Poor scalability and maintainability for the test
  • Low test automation coverage
  • Poor methods and disappointing quality of tests
  • Technology Vs people’s issues

In order to avoid these pitfalls five best practices are

ad server solutionsCheck the methodology, not the tool: A well designed test automation methodology is used for resolving many problems associated with test automation. The methodology drives the tool selection and the rest of the automation process. Before applying a methodology, it is very much important to note that testers and automation engineers should understand and accept the methodology. All the managers, business owners, and auditors should have a clear understanding of the benefits of the methodology.

Select Extensible Test Tools: Select a tool that supports extensibility, a team-based global test automation framework and offers a solid management platform. The methodology is in such a way that the tools are reusable. Tools should be considered based on action Based Testing (ABT)

Separate Test Design and Test Automation: Test design should be separated from test automation so that both have their own importance. By using this way, the complexity and number of the test cases do not lead to an unmanageable amount of test scripts.

Lower Costs: There are three ways that you can look to lower costs. They are:

  • You can use labour which costs less than your local team.
  • You can use a tool that costs very less amount.
  • You can use training to increase the tool productivity.

Pre-trained team: A pre trained team can reduce your overall project time requirement, because there is no need of training at the beginning of the project schedule and even they reduces risk in doing the operations.