Safety Tips To New Taxi ‘Drivers’

By | October 3, 2011

Taxi driving is one of the risky professions, this profession includes safety risks and law enforcement risks, yet it is a demanded profession. Drivers have been getting more compensation here, every job has its own risks and advantages. The people who want to choose taxi driving as a profession must know some safety tips.

  • be alert and be aware of your surroundings.
  • join in a radio circuit, which has the safety button which sends information to the emergency center when you press it.
  • Lock your car whenever you park it in a taxi stand.
  • Take additional precautions at night journey as many robberies and mugging occur more at night times.
  • Be careful of the passengers who sit behind your seat, always observe them.
  • Before starting the journey ask about the traveling destination.
  • Better to carry alternate key with you, in cases if you loose your taxi key it will be very helpful.
  • Don’t carry more people in taxi, always follow the road safety rules and regulations.
  • Don’t go into the deep corners of the streets, don’t drive at dark places.
  • Must take a proper rest in between the traveling trips

These safety tips are very beneficial to the new taxi drivers. These tips help in doing their job very conveniently.