Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System

By | April 2, 2014

Vehicle to vehicle communication system is one of the emerging networks in which vehicle to vehicle, there are communication nodes to provide information such as traffic information and warning signals. It is part of the ITS (intelligent transport system). The vehicle to vehicle communication system uses wireless network communication system where vehicle send information to another vehicle. The sharing of information includes speed, location, braking and direction of travel. The vehicle to vehicle communication system uses technology called dedicated short range communication (DSRC).

How vehicle to vehicle communication system works
The main purpose of vehicle to vehicle communication system is to avoid accidents. The vehicle to vehicle communication system works based on wireless network technology. It uses a band width of 590 GHz using wireless protocol for various safety services.

The vehicle to vehicle communication system uses DSRC technology to gather the information about the traffic, location of the other vehicle before you and the speed it traveling. It sense the threats and hazards with in the 3600 awareness of the position of the vehicle.

In brief, let us assume you’re traveling in a car which is equipped with v2v communication system. While you are driving it gathers the information of the another car which is traveling with in 3600 surrounding of your car. It gives information of how distance it there from your car, with which speed it is traveling, and it also warns if any pedestrian crossing before your car.

Advantages of vehicle to vehicle communication system

Signaling to other vehicles about the traffic jam
If the vehicle is equipped with v2v communication system and they are struck in traffic jam. They communicate information back to other vehicles. The information would be accurate and avoid traffic jam to some extent.
In in the years to come, we can see this type if communication system to avoid traffic jams.

Accident warning
Due to this communication system, you can send warning signals to another vehicle to avoid mass collision.

Traffic signaling violation warning
You can warn about the imminent change of traffic lights and if there is a chance of running beyond a red light signal. Through wireless communication, you can get the information about the time of change of signal light.

Emergency vehicle warning
When approaching emergency, the system sends out a warning message to warn vehicles that are in the area around the vehicle.

These are some of the advantages of vehicle to vehicle communication system. Today, it is prototype model, some of the automobile companies are working on this system for more accuracy. This type of intelligent transport communication system can be seen in the years to come ,which may boost the safety of the passengers as well those around on the road.