Why Cars Have Strange Smells?

By | March 8, 2010

Sometimes, strange smells can be observed due to discharging from inside of car. The reasons for this can be:

  • Musty (filthy) odors signify the presence of some trapped water, generally under the carpet. This may damage the carpet and also increases speed of corrosion. The good solution to this will be to separate the carpets and dry both the carpet and the floor of car.
  • Smoky smells can be of different kinds. Of which, electrical smoky smells are very dangerous and it is recommended to stop the car, open the bonnet (cover), detach the batteries and  look for professional help. Other kinds of smoky smells can occur when the sound or heat proof covering which is present  inside the engine space burns. The cause must be detected as early as possible.
  • Fuel smells can be observed when the fuel tank venting gets blocked or obstructed or if there will be an overflow in fuel.
  • At times, oil or exhaust smells from the engine can be observed. This can be produced either due to excess of engine oil, or if the engine oil has become old and is getting heated up, or if it gets overheated.
  • A characteristic sweatish smell occurs when varnish will get burnt which can happen when  dynamo or alternator is about to evacuate and is generally be connected with flickering lights.
  • Burning rubber smell will occur when a car is driven with brakes on. It can also be caused due to overheated tires.

Strange smells are considered as an early warning signal which must be spotted, as it helps in saving more time and money later.

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